Friday, September 24, 2010

What the flock!?

It was New Zealand Father's day not so long ago. Naturally I must stereotype NZ with cake. I ran out of normal cupcake paper cups, so please excuse the Dora. Thanks to Don for the photos- Now you can see what my cupcakes look by night and day :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Old School Super Mario

This was for Fraser's neice & nephews. It was a chocolate, chocolate, chocolate cake. Seemed to go over well, minus the fondant. Turns out 4 yr olds know better than to eat solid sugar paste. Funny that.

I never got a picture of the finished cake. Like I said, I never thought I would show anyone. Oh well!

The Train Cake

Don, my father-in[common] law, loves four things 1) Deb 2) His boys 3) Trains 4) Raspberry pie. This had raspberry pie filling and made Don smile. WIN!

The invention of the pie cake: 100% more delicious than it sounds

My brother-in-[common]law is an apple fanatic. I don't know about the fruit in particular, but as the filling in a baked good, he is more than enthusiastic. He once hugged a waitress who made a particularly good apple crumble (keep in mind, we were out to breakfast). So, apple-something was a must for his birthday. After a lot of debate, I decided to keep it simple. This was a vanilla cake with apple pie filling. On the streets it is just known as "mind blowing". I never intended to share pictures of my cakes, they were mostly taken as a record for myself. Keep that in mind when you notice that my pictures are not exactly perfect. (Also illustrated by the newspapers featured in a previous post)

For my love

Fraser likes orange a lot. It's a compromise. We don't have orange walls, he gets an orange cake. This was my first attempt at different flavours. It was a chocolate cake with a chocolate hazelnut filling. Bit too rich, but it was well received.

The motivations of family

This cake was made for my Montreal family coming up to visit. I think that might be the reason the fondant turned out alright. Or it could be that this was my fourth cake or so and I was just improving....

Okay so maybe it still isn't perfect, but I'm still proud of this one.

The first of the cakes....

This is the cake that started it all, for the person who started it all. My friend Cait is a lady who shares the same love of sparkle & sugar. We both decompress with crafts. This cake was my first for her 25th birthday. Naturally, it is chocolate with more chocolate and a bit of vanilla icing (since you can't dye chocolate purple).
A few weeks later came my first fondant cake. All in all, it was a valid attempt at wrapping a cake in solid sugar. It did come out a bit lumpy on one side, but where's the fun in posting THAT photo?. Here's a confession: fondant makes me nervous. In about 90% of my life, I am a reasonable human being. 10% of the time there is that perfect storm that makes me stutter get all nervous. Fondant can be that perfect storm. I can safely say that 6 months later, I have conquered my fear of fondant. I don't so much hurl a sugar pancake at my cakes (since putting it on as quick as possible would minimize the experience) as semi-confidently cover them in a sugary blanket. Fondant and I are now friends. The good part is that it was for my mother...and she loved it. Because that's what moms do.


I have had some interest in my cakes & jewelry, so what's a more accessible way to show people what I am up to than a blog? Mostly this is going to be a blog with my attempts at cakes and crafts. (So a little forgiveness as you will clearly see that I am teaching myself everything)...

The name? It's a stolen error. One time I over heard a woman with a thick Caribbean accent say "oh, it's just the pigment of your imagination"...and that's exactly what this is. It's my ideas, turned in to sugar and sparkly things. And what could be better than that?

Thanks for checking this out! Any input is much appreciated!